February 16, 2019, We asked important questions to elaborate on the historical evolution of women serving in the U.S. Legislature to what kind of special training programs exist for women running for Congress and Senate.

2019 is already one in the history books for the number of women breaking-records in the Legislature.The powerhouse of Democratic-U.S. Women Legislators are even changing accommodations, and the landscape within the physical chambers of The Legislature. In this broadcast of The Verb Altitude Hour, we investigated what life is like for U.S. Women Legislators during the 2019 legislative session. We asked important questions to elaborate on the historical evolution of women serving in the U.S. Legislature to what kind of special training programs exist for women running for Congress and Senate. The Verb Altitude Hour on Saturday, February 16, 2019, 6:00PM to 7:00PM on WRUU.org-107.5FM.~The highest news your way twice a week-in an hour-just for you! ~The highest news your way twice a week-in an hour-just for you!

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