August 11, 2019

The unifying themes of this program are justice, love, learning and hope.  The messages come from sermons and readings from Unitarian-Universalist sources.  The program title comes from a beloved Unitarian-Universalist hymn, “Spirit of Life,” which includes the words, “Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion” and “Move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.”

The Rev. Anthony Makar talks about the classic 1980's Christmas Story movie and how "family space" is "crowded space" in his message linked below.


Written by Orlando Montoya

Do you know that feeling you get when you feel “in your place?”  A feeling of safety and comfort.  You’re with “your people.”  They might be strangers.  But you share an unspoken bond.  You might call it feeling “at home.”  I had that feeling for several weeks recently.  Unfortunately, it happened while I was traveling: Seattle, Spokane, Olympia, Chicago, DC.  August is my 20th Savannahversary.  I’ve now had Chatham County addresses for 20 years.  Send me congratulations or condolences.  It’s my great regret that after two decades I’ve yet to cultivate the kind of home feeling here that I’ve found elsewhere.  I feel out of place here in many ways.  But when I examine this feeling, I realize that I had it also in my former residence, Orlando, Florida.  I never felt at home in Orlando, even though I lived literally in the house where I grew up for 22 years.  Imagine not feeling at home in your childhood home.  It occurs to me that this out of place feeling, this lack of feeling at home, might not be external.  In other words, it’s possible that I’d have this feeling even if I lived in the young, multicultural, higher educated and yes, wealthy settings of my travels.  It also occurs to me that “yet to cultivate” might be the right phrase.  In other words, it’s possible that the seeds of a home feeling are all around me.  And yet, I’ve not watered those seeds.  Maybe you’re one of those seeds.  If so, I’m sorry.  Is it the soil, the seeds, the gardener or a little of each?  The Buddha taught the truth of dwelling happily in things as they are.  May you and I find that true home feeling where we live, both in our addresses and in our hearts.


What’s Just about Community?” (6/16/19)

Rev. Kathleen Owens

First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego


Peace in the Home” (3/31/19)

Rev. Anthony Makar

Unitarian-Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, Georgia





Braver Wiser

Used by permission of Braver Wiser, a publication of the Unitarian-Universalist Association


Quest Monthly

Used by permission of Quest Monthly, a publication of the Church of the Larger Fellowship


UUA Statements

Messages from the Unitarian Universalist Association


Natural Silence

Used by permission of


UUA Principles and Sources

Our liberal faith as defined by the Unitarian Universalist Association


World Religions

Written by Orlando Montoya


Interfaith Calendar

Written by Orlando Montoya



Written by and used by permission of John Sias from interviews with Rev. Steve Edington

Published by the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Nashua, NH

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