The Installation Service of Katie & John Callaway - August 17, 2019

The Installation Service of Katie & John Callaway - August 17, 2019

PRELUDE: "Sonata 4, Op. 7, Allegro" Ludwig van Beethoven - Joseph Snipes, Pianist, former youth, and long-time friend of the Callaways from Carrollton, Georgia. 

CHORAL INTROIT: "Be Thou My Vision" Irish ballad

HYMN: No. 420 "God of Grace and God of Glory" CWMRHONDDA

ANTHEM: "May the Love of Christ Enfold Us" by James C. Richardson, text by Timothy Dudley-Smith

PASTORAL CHARGE: Rev. Dr. Tim Willis, Mentor, friend, former campus minister, and officiant of John and Katie's wedding

HYMN: No. 523 "God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian" BETHANY

LAYING ON OF HANDS: Piano music by Joseph Snipes

PRAYER OF COMMISSIONING: Rev. Brian Edwards, Friend and Executive Director of Suburban Crossroads Counseling in Ellicott City, Maryland

SOLO: "I Still Believe" by Michael Costa, Singer-songwriter and friend of the Callaways from Tampa, Florida

CONGREGATIONAL CHARGE: Rev. Sarah Murray, Long-time friend of the Callaways and Minister to Families with Children of First Baptist Church, Griffin, Georgia

HYMN: "Wake Now My Senses" SLANE

CHORAL RESPONSE: "Be Thou My Vision" Irish ballad

INSTRUMENTAL RESPONSE: "Simple Gifts" by Joseph Brackett - Joseph Snipes, pianist

POSTLUDE: "Rigaudon" by Andre Campra

For more information about First Baptist Church Savannah, GA

Visit our website

Katie Callaway, Co-Pastor

John Callaway, Co-Pastor

James Richardson, Organist Emeritus

We invite you to attend our Sunday morning worship service at 11AM

We are located at 223 Bull Street on Chippewa Square, downtown Savannah

All are Welcome

  • 12:00pm The Installation Service of Katie & John Callaway, August 17, 2019 by First Baptist Church of Savannah on First Baptist Church of Savannah (First Baptist Church of Savannah)
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