L2L Good Beginnings (ft. Amy Paige Condon, pt. II)

Good Beginnings (pt. II)

Amy Paige Condon

Last week, we chatted with Amy Paige Condon about what makes a good beginning ... and barely got the conversation started before the hour was over. She returns this week to finish the conversation about beginnings (and then, sometime soon, we’ll have her come on to talk about middles and endings!). Amy is one of Savannah’s most dynamic writers and has authored many magazine articles and co-authored award-winning cookbooks. Her own book — a biography of Miami News editor Bill Baggs — is set to be published later this year. She is the founder of The Refinery Writing Studio and is both widely knowledgeable and fun to listen to. So this week, more on Amy’s works, the mechanics and art of authorship, and war stories of the writing life.

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L2L Good Beginnings (ft. Amy Paige Condon, pt. II)
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