We the People: The Constitution Today September 27, 2020 Episode 1: The Preamble and Design Principles of the Constitution

This is the second broadcast of Episode 1 of "We the People: The Constitution Today" which discusses the Preamble of the Constitution and the Design Principles of the Constitution.

  • 8:00pm Introduction to "We the People" by We The People: The Constitution Today on We The People: The Constitution Today (live)
  • 8:00pm We The People: The Constitution Today Episode 1 by Dr. Barbara Fertig, Dr. Christopher Hendricks and Dr. Daniel Skidmore-Hess on We The People: The Constitution Today
  • 8:02pm Introduction to the Preamble and Design Principles of the Constitution by Dr. Daniel Skidmore-Hess on "We the People: The Constitution Today" (Live)
  • 8:30pm "We the People" - Midshow Break by We The People: The Constitution Today on We the People: The Constitution Today (live)
  • 8:32pm Conversation on the Preamble and Design Principles of the Constitution by Dr. Barbara Fertig, Dr. Christopher Hendricks and Dr. Daniel Skidmore-Hess on "We the People: The Constitution Today" (live)
  • 8:59pm Evening Eclectic September 27, 2020 America and the American Experience 7 by America and the American Experience on Evening Eclectic
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