April 16, 2022, The Verb Altitude Hour, Pediatrician, Dr. Evelyn Johnson of the Southeast Georgia Health System-Brunswick Addresses Childhood Hunger in Georgia

According to USDA, 12.1 percent of households with children in Georgia do not have the resources to provide enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members.Exclusive Interview with local Pediatrician, Dr. Evelyn Johnson of the Southeast Georgia Health System-Brunswick Campus Joins Host Carry on the Weekly Rap Raising Awareness to Address Childhood Hunger in Georgia. Learn how frontline health workers, pediatricians play a key role in ensuring children are getting the nutrition they need for their health, learning, and development. A convenient toolkit from AAP and FRAC can help pediatricians in Georgia identify and address food insecurity and connect families to federal nutrition programs and other resources that will ensure people have access to the food they need where they live, learn, and grow. Also, Host Carry Smith covers a recap of this week’s events and news.~The highest news your way twice a week-in an hour-just for you! #theverbaltitudehour #wruu

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