L2L Dramatic Apparitions and Theatrical Ghosts (ft. Ann C. Hall and Alan Nadel)

Dramatic Apparitions and Theatrical Ghosts

Ann C. Hall and Alan Nadel

“By heaven, I’ll make a ghost of him that lets me!” As that brooding Dane knows too well, spirits, ghosts, and other apparitions frequently inhabit the live stage — they have for centuries and in many cultures. A new book by Dr. Ann C. Hall and Dr. Alan Nadel, Dramatic Apparitions and Theatrical Ghosts: The Staging of Illusion across Time and Cultures, speaks to this spectral subject … and what it reveals about history and the human condition. This week, Drs. Hall and Nadel join Leigh, P. T., and Dr. C in ever-spooky Savannah to discuss the role and meaning of ghosts in the theater.

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L2L Dramatic Apparitions and Theatrical Ghosts (ft. Ann C. Hall and Alan Nadel)
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