February 3, 2019

The unifying themes of this program are justice, love, learning and hope.  The messages come from sermons and readings from Unitarian-Universalist sources.  The program title comes from a beloved Unitarian-Universalist hymn, “Spirit of Life,” which includes the words, “Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion” and “Move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.”

On this week's show, a tennis near-champion, who’s also a minister, brings us an amazing message about mindfulness, learning and overcoming challenge, through a sporting lens.


Written by Orlando Montoya

Every person that I keep in my Facebook feed, I keep there for a different reason.  I scroll with purpose.  A couple of Facebook friends remind me of myself from 20 years ago, personally or professionally.  A couple of people remind me of that crazy, sleep-deprived ambition and drive that I once had but which honestly tires me now.  Really, some of you should get some rest!  Lots of Facebook friends, in fact most, remind me of my past like that, in some way.  For better or worse, misty watercolors.  A couple of people remind me always to speak kind words, cool my temper and “when I feel the pain, refrain.”  These people have the wisdom of prophets, even if those prophets are Beatles.  Lots of my Facebook friends have good words to say like that.  May I steal them?  A couple of people are there to remind me that I’m gay.  You might wonder how someone forgets something like that.  Well, when your gay friends leave town and you’re too old for nightclubs, the glitter and queer-o-rama just disappear.  A couple of my gay Facebook friends, you know who you are, and lots of others in my feed are there because they’re funny, originally funny, not just reposting funny.  These people have their own humor that lifts me up.  Of course, like yours, my feed has envy: casual gourmets, Lonely Planet explorers and picture-perfect smiles.  Let’s for a minute not talk about why I might have removed you from my feed.  You can’t tell, can you?  I have reasons for that, too.  Live your life with purpose.  Surround yourself with good people.  Curate your mind like it’s a fine recipe.  It’s called a feed for a reason.  And, if you’re in my feed, thank you for being a friend.


The Inner Game of Tennis” (11/26/18)

Rev. Anthony Makar

Unitarian-Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, Georgia


Compassion” (10/14/18)

Rev. Hanna Petrie

Unitarian-Universalist Church of Studio City, California

(Using the link above, the sermon begins about 35 minutes into the worship service)


“Presence in the World” (3/19/17)

Rev. John Buehrens

Unitarian-Universalist Society of San Francisco


“Come Sleet, Snow or Hail” (4/15/18)

Rev. Shawn Newton

First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto

Braver Wiser

Used by permission of Braver Wiser, a publication of the Unitarian-Universalist Association

Quest Monthly

Used by permission of Quest Monthly, a publication of the Church of the Larger Fellowship

UUA Statements

Messages from the Unitarian Universalist Association

Natural Silence

Used by permission of ListeningEarth.com

UUA Principles and Sources

Our liberal faith as defined by the Unitarian Universalist Association

World Religions

Written by Orlando Montoya

Interfaith Calendar

Written by Orlando Montoya


Written by and used by permission of John Sias from interviews with Rev. Steve Edington

Published by the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Nashua, NH

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