Festering Decay's Metal Domination

  • Thursdays, 10:00pm11:00pm

Are you an extreme music superfan discontent with a lack of representation in your scene? A newly budding metalhead eager to dive headfirst into the black hole that houses the many unique and brutal subgenres that metal has to offer? A casual listener curious to catch glimpse into the dark underground that captures the manifestation of sonic extremity? Metal Domination is the solution and WE WANT YOU TO JOIN US. Enter a cacophonous world brimming with endless energy, madness-inducing grooves, tragic beauty, and resplendent rot. Your host Festering Decay (Fester for short) leads you into this hellish inferno to safely guide you through the underworld of heavy music. Join us every Thursday at 10pm, follow on IG @festeringdecay, and stay rotten.

Festering Decay's Metal Domination
10:00pm, 1-16-2025
10:00pm, 1-9-2025
10:00pm, 12-26-2024
10:00pm, 12-19-2024
10:00pm, 12-12-2024
10:00pm, 11-28-2024
10:00pm, 11-21-2024
10:00pm, 11-14-2024