Parenting Room 101

  • Fridays, 12:05pm1:00pm
The intention of this show is to help bring more awareness to how we as parents can do better with raising our kids.  The show will consist of interviews from parents of different backgrounds, family situations and cultures.  We will learn how to handle our own emotional states as parents, and work on setting good examples for our kids.  There will be live calls taken on the show from people looking for advice, or insight into their own unique experiences.  

We will delve into topics like, daycare, divorce, step parenting, blended families, bed time, discipline, boundaries, extended family, screen time, self care, and many more.  Each week will be discussing a new topic.  There will be healthy tools shared during every show, that may be implemented immediately into your life.  All for the greater good of your family and your home. 

The mission behind this specific show is to create a safe space for people to share their thoughts, concerns and insight for the sole purpose of helping others. Choosing to make ourselves better in turn makes everything better.

Parenting Room 101