November 12, 2022,6PM-7PM, Whale Week, Hermina Glass-Hill

Exclusive Interview with the The Amazing Oceana Member, Hermina Glass-Hill. Hermina joins Host Carry (CJ) Smith for an interesting discussion on Whale Week and the public to register comments with the federal register of National Marine Fisheries Services/NOAA for public comments. Oceana works with NARW to ask the government to enforce boats to slow down. The registration for public comments to NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service ended last Monday on October 31st. Oceana's call for action is to call Senator John Ossoff and demand that he co-sponsor the Right Whale Coexistence Act, federal legislation that would provide fund right whale research and collaborative projects to reduce human impact to North Atlantic right whales...entanglement and vessel strikes Please contact Sen. Ossoff's office at 202-224-3521 and demand support of the coexistence Act today. ~The highest news your way twice a week-in an hour-just for! #wruu #theverbaltitudehour

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