2023 Savannah Local Elections

The term "all politics is local" is attributed to former Speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O'Neill.  It is interpreted to mean that politicians must appeal to the local, every-day concerns of their constituents.  But there is also a deeper meaning.  Not only do most political careers begin at the local level, but also that the community is where people come face to face with local issues and local politicians.  We are 14 days out from Savannah's local elections and early voting has already begun.  

This is the perfect time to talk about Savannah's local elections on today's Voices of Reason with two guests with a wealth of experience and expertise in the political life of Savannah.   John McMasters came to Savannah in the 1990s.  In 2002, he won a special election for a seat on the Chatham County Commission.   His main issues at that time were crime, poverty and the environment.  He proposed implementing impact fees on new homes and commercial construction to pay for needed infrastructure, fully staffing the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department, curbside recycling, and fighting poverty by instituting a living wage.  In 2007, he waged a guerilla campaign for Mayor to get his policy ideas before the public.  He founded Better Savannah in 2019 to advocate for progressive policy outcomes in local government and remains active in local politics. 

Carry Smith is a PhD student at Clark Atlanta University Department of Political Science.  She has worked in voter advocacy for 20 years and is the Coastal Georgia Coordinator for a voter advocacy organization.  She is the host of the Verb Altitude Hour podcast on iHeart and other podcast platforms, designed to engage the public in a wide and diverse range of events and topics geared towards contemporary political science, social justice, civil rights and all things public policy affecting everyday lives in Coastal Georgia, the State of Georgia, nationally, & globally. 


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