War: What is it good for? Part 2

With guests Frank Bessinger, Vietnam War combat veteran, and John McNulty, we answered the shows titled question--that war is good for absolutely nothing.  Yet conflicts rage throughout the world.  We acknowledged that war is profitable to the arms manufactures, that there are at least two sides to every conflict and each side feels justified in its warring, and cease fire truces are often transitory.  We began the conversation about the hard work of peace and how we get there using our reasoning abilities as thinking humans--to leave our egos at the door, cease treating the others as "the other," truth telling, and healing the victims on all sides--combat troops, civilians, communities, nations.  We will continue this conversation on healing on our next VoR on 11/21/23, with a focus on community gardening, as a means of bring people together in community and life into the world, with Frank Bessinger and community gardener Barbara Eaton.

The Merchants of Death Tribunal (https://merchantsofdeath.org) held its first session on 11/12/23.  That recording can be found at this link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUozh3vLFQQ.  The next session will be 12/3/23 via Zoom with registration at https://merchantsofdeath/action/.    

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