VoR''s Year in Review

Thank you for tuning in via radio or computer to Voices of Reason.  We concluded the year on 12/19/23 with a review of our shows, from a discussion on reasoning our way to solutions to problems within us, our communities and the world.  We will continue this mission in 2024, beginning on January 2, when we begin our 2-hour show at 11am, find happiness at noon, then continue VoR til 1pm. Please visit our Voices of Reason Savannah - WRUU Facebook page to suggest topics, guests, and ways of interacting during the show.  

  • 12:05pm VoR-04-20-21-Grow Your Own by on Single
  • 12:06pm WRUU-FM by Live
  • 12:59pm VoR-04-20-21-Grow Your Own by
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