April 9, 2024 You Are What You Eat

Co-hosts Margie Standard and Barbara Humphrey had a great conversation about the food we eat.  It might not have made you hungry, but I hope it made you think--about where and how our food is sourced (who controls it), how you can try to make healthy (or healthier) choices,  and what to avoid.  As promised, below is the list of ingredients banned in other countries but allowed in the USA.   Hint:  they have been linked to cancer and other diseases and conditions.  NEXT WEEK:  The Earth's Day at 54.

o   Dough conditioners, aka potassium bromate, for texture

o   Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) from soybean, corn oils, used in diet sodas

o   Proplyparaben used as preservatives in tortillas, muffins, cosmetics

o   BHA, BHT in dry mixes, cereals to preserve, increase shelf life

o   Synthetic food dyes to enhance food colors (blue2, yellow5, red40)

o   GMOs to make crops more resistant to herbicides

o   Roxarsone arsenic in raising of chickens

o   Ractopamine muscle enhancer for pigs, cows, turkeys

o   Herbicides, insecticides, fungicides to repel bugs, diseases, weeds

o   Olestra cholesterol-free fat substitute in potato chips and fries

o   Synthetic hormones rBGH, rBST increase milk production in dairy cows

  • 12:05pm WRUU-FM by Live
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