Savannah Music Local and Sustainable January 29, 2024 John Morris Russell
Tonight on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable, I have back John Morris Russell music director and conductor of the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra to talk about their upcoming concert “The Seven Deadly Sins” featuring a concert performance of Kurt Weill “Seven Deadly Sins” along with Hans Krása’s “Overture for small orchestra” and Darius Milhaud “La création du monde”. This concert will be on this coming Sunday, February 2nd at 4pm and Monday, and Monday, February 3rd at 7:30pm at the First Presbyterian Church, 540 William Hilton Parkway on Hilton Head. Tickets can be found at www dot hhso dot org.
- 9:00pm Savannah Music Local and Sustainable Opening by Anders Thomsen: Check, Check, One, Two on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable (pre-recorded)
- 9:00pm Savannah Music Local and Sustainable January 29, 2025 John Morris Russell HHSO Seven Deadly Sins by John Morris Russell on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable
- 9:00pm Conversation with John Morris Russell by John Morris Russell and Dave Lake on live (live)
- 9:04pm Hans Krása: Ouverture per piccola orchestra by Westfälische Kammerphilharmonie conducted by Frieder Obstfeld on single from a live performance (live)
- 9:10pm Conversation with John Morris Russell by John Morris Russell and Dave Lake on live (live)
- 9:13pm Darius Milhaud: La Création Du Monde Op. 81 by Leonard Bernstein & Orchestre national de France on Milhaud: la Création Du Monde, Le Boeuf Sur Le Toit & Saudades Do Brasil (EMI Records)
- 9:30pm Conversation with John Morris Russell by John Morris Russell and Dave Lake on live (live)
- 9:31pm Savannah Music Local and Sustainable by Mid-show Break on live (live)
- 9:34pm Conversation with John Morris Russell by John Morris Russell and Dave Lake on live (live)
- 9:42pm The Seven Deadly Sins (Die Sieben Todsünden): Prologue by Marianne Faithfull, Dennis Russell Davies & Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus on Weill: The Seven Deadly Sins: Classic Library Series ( BMG Music)
- 9:46pm Conversation with John Morris Russell by John Morris Russell and Dave Lake on live (live)
- 9:47pm The Seven Deadly Sins (Die Sieben Todsünden): Sloth [Faulheit] by Marianne Faithfull, Dennis Russell Davies & Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus on Weill: The Seven Deadly Sins: Classic Library Series ( BMG Music)
- 9:51pm Conversation with John Morris Russell by John Morris Russell and Dave Lake on live (live)
- 9:52pm The Seven Deadly Sins (Die Sieben Todsünden): Pride [Stolz] by Marianne Faithfull, Dennis Russell Davies & Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus on Weill: The Seven Deadly Sins: Classic Library Series ( BMG Music)
- 9:57pm Conversation with John Morris Russell by John Morris Russell and Dave Lake on live (live)
- 9:59pm Savannah Music Local and Sustainable Closing by Anders Thomsen: Check, Check, One, Two on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable (pre-recorded)