October 13, 2019 - Rev. Katie Callaway Preaching

Due to Time Constraints some content may not be included in the radio broadcast.

Prelude  Pavilioned in Splendor  Richard Lloyd

Rev. James Richardson, organist

Choral Introit  How Lovely, Lord  Hal H. Hopson

Hymn 476  O Worship the King  LYONS

Children’s Time Rev. John Callaway

First Lesson  2 Kings 5:9-14 Frances Mills, lay reader

Second Lesson  Psalm 111

Anthem Our Mission Is to Follow Jesus  Jayne Southwick Cool

Third Lesson  Luke 17:11-19

Sermon Saying Thanks Rev. Katie Callaway

Hymn 359  More Love to Thee, O Christ  MORE LOVE TO THEE

Offertory  Prelude in C Major  David N. Johnson

Hymn 276  Great Is Thy Faithfulness  FAITHFULNESS

Choral Response  A Sun and Shield Forever  Hal H. Hopson

Postlude  Grand Choeur  Theodore Salome

For more information about First Baptist Church Savannah, GA

Visit our website http://www.fbc-sav.org

Katie Callaway, Co-Pastor

John Callaway, Co-Pastor

James Richardson, Organist Emeritus

We invite you to attend our Sunday morning worship service at 11AM

We are located at 223 Bull Street on Chippewa Square, downtown Savannah

All are Welcome

  • 12:01pm FBC-SAV_10.13.19_RADIO by
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