L2L The Story of an Hour (ft. Carol Andrews)

“The Story of an Hour”

Kate Chopin

“The Dream of an Hour” was published in Vogue in 1894 and reprinted, with two changes, in St. Louis Life the following year. Seven decades later, it would be renamed “The Story of an Hour.” Under either version and name, Kate Chopin — one of the trailblazers of 20th-century American feminist literature — examines protagonist Louise Mallard’s search for herself. Chopin weaves in aspects of her own identity as well. Dr. Carol Andrews, associate professor emerita of literature, joins Leigh and P. T. this week in an exploration of Chopin’s life and work. This episode launches a new feature on Listening to Literature, called “In Their Own Words,” and includes a complete reading of Chopin’s short story.

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L2L The Story of an Hour (ft. Carol Andrews)
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