Savannah Lexicon, November 22, 2018


A special double-bill Thanksgiving edition of Savannah Lexicon! First up at 8:00, Erin Roma and Tyesha Whitely join me in the studio to talk about the 4th annual Santa’s Pantry Community Food Drive, which runs through December 16. Santa’s Pantry, a project of Voices for Schools, will provide bags of non-perishable food items to families with children attending Title I schools in the Savannah area. Erin is a social worker and associated with the Matthew Reardon Center for Autism and Tyesha is the director of the Coastal Cathedral Early Education Center.

In the second portion of the show, around 8;20 or so, retired psychologist/Savannah Morning News columnist/WRUU radio show host and author of "Fifty Ways to Greater Well Being and Happiness" Dr. Robert Pawlicki will offer his insight on the concept of thankfulness. Thanksgiving isn’t just about turkey and dressing, you know. Gratitude is the right attitude every day. 

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