Savannah Lexicon - February 7, 2019 Dave Lake Talks about the Armstrong Takeover by Georgia Southern

This was to be an interview of Dave Lake by host Wayne Waters, but Wayne is ill so Dave a WRUU host will be interviewing himself.  Before joining WRUU as a host, producer and Studio Manager, he was a  Department Head for 16 years and faculty member for 21 years at Armstrong.  Although he retired the year before the "merger" was announced, he is in regular contact with faculty and administrators at the Armstrong campus of Georgia Southern University.   Georgia Southern University administration wants everyone to believe that everything is hunky-dory at the Armstrong campus, but that is far from the truth. 

There are a lot to discuss about this issue:

  • Neglect of the culture of the Armstrong campus - as some faculty say - "They are trying to make it just like Birdlandia"
  • Neglecting the promise to protect already enrolled students
  • Not having transparency of decision making
  • Lack of responsiveness to Armstrong campus faculty questions and inquiries - "It has become the University of Punting because when you ask a question it keeps being punted from one office to the next and is never answered"
  • Making changes on the Armstrong campus that they want - immediate changing of the signage out front and banners around campus - but not health and safety issues like the months it took to repair damaged lighting on campus
  • Lack of having policies and procedures in place after over two years of "merging"
  • Multiple examples of the superficiality of dealing with issues on campus
  • Appointment of a new President which apparently violates " Georgia Sunshine laws"

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